Be Kind to Animals, Go Vegan!

Be Kind to Animals, Go Vegan!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

How I helped my dad go vegan!

Going vegan is actually pretty fun. I am popular in school and I get good grades. One day I signed up for a Peta kids kit and I got a bunch of stickers for free, you can too if you click here. My dad was not vegan yet, and this made me feel bad. So I put the stickers all over my dad's dairy coffee creamer in the refrigerator and my dad laughed when he saw this because he found out it was me that did it. But that really made him think about what he was doing to animals. Dairy is one of the cruelest industries because the baby cows are turned into veal and the dairy cows end up being slaughtered after years of having milk taken from them and their babies stolen from them and then they are turned into cheap hamburger meat. My dad went vegan just a few weeks after I did this to his coffee creamer. I think I really helped him go vegan.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lies they tell us....

What I learned while reading "Diet For A New America" is that dairy farms tell lies to children and adults. There are advertisements that make us believe that chickens give their meat to us , how they do that is by putting a chicken on a box of chicken nuggets for school lunch. Or like when I went to a movie theater and saw a skeletal cow on top of a limo for a Skinny Cow ice cream ad. All of the things they are telling us are just all lies. If you had to kill every animal you ate the number of vegans would rise enormously. Now some dairy farmers are giving out coloring books to teach kids about dairy farming and it just builds up an easy belief that is really just a lie. The McDonald's clown now is vegetarian because he found out the truth of about animal farming.To learn more click here

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I just read an article by Ari Solomon, you can read it by clicking here. It is really good. It's called, "A Man Walks into a Restaurant." A man walks into a restaurant with a dog and asks the waiter cook the dog so he can eat him. The waiter protests and the man explains there are no differences between a cow or a dog. That goes right along with what my aunt was saying "some people care about some animals but not others!' I wish people would change and care about all living beings. This video below shows a baby cow and a dog playing together and it's very cool. I liked to see how the baby cow was interacting with the dog, he was really playful.