Be Kind to Animals, Go Vegan!

Be Kind to Animals, Go Vegan!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Look at what they do to these baby cows! They are treated like potatoes.

See the moms over there and the babies in bags? Well, the babies are going to be turned into veal and we humans are drinking their mother's milk! The babies are just "product" that are treated like potatoes in bags. It is so stupid how they are treated!

5 hours before i wrote this, this happend:

At my bus stop today when I got off, there were so many people at the side of the road because of a dead cow (Which it turns out wasn't even true). But barely anybody in the world cares about the 90000000000000000000000001 animals killed every day cruelly and horrifically killed. There were 3 police cars and like 5 cars pulled over all about one cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. unless they see it with their own eyes, it's like it's not even happening. it's so frustrating isn't it? i have friends post links on facebook about stopping the cruelty of dogs, seals, or something of that nature...and i always want to say, what about stopping the cruelty of the billions of animals on factory farms, simply by not eating meat or dairy? it's crazy how they care about some animals but not others.

    keep up the great work!

    - wendy

  2. Yeah people are so hypocritical.I hate how some people only care about 1 thing and not others.
