Be Kind to Animals, Go Vegan!

Be Kind to Animals, Go Vegan!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Watch This Now :(

I think this video is really sad and disturbing. This is what meat and dairy really is. The dairy cow is probably the worst treated animal on the farm. Her babies get taken away from her right after they are born. The milk she makes should be going to the babies, but it goes to us instead. The male babies turn into veal and they have to stay in crates their whole lives. And then they are sent to the slaughterhouse. We should all just stop eating meat and dairy and eggs so these poor animals don't have to suffer. I am glad I watched it because this is what made me go from vegetarian to vegan.


  1. I could not agree with you more. Thank you so much for your advocacy of animals and for your compassion. Animals need your voice and your voice is strong. Keep up the great work! Mercy for Animals! :)

  2. You are so right! And what an amazing young person you are to have drawn these connections and made the compassionate and intelligent choice to go vegan.

    Most kids are naturally caring towards animals and don't want to hurt them. Isn't it sad and wrong how our culture lies to kids in order to get them to participate in such cruelty?

    Good for you for seeing the truth! Keep up the great work on your blog...getting other people to read this information is so important.

    P.S. Your mom's pizza looks AMAZING!!!!

  3. Thanks for writing this blog, such a good thing you are doing. I hope lots of people read it, we are passing the link all around on Facebook. I'll visit often :)~Pennie

  4. Janet Weeks, thanks a lot, I will keep using my voice for animals my whole life.

    Jo Tyler, thanks a lot. I will keep working on my blog. My mom makes a lot better stuff than that pizza. My mom just made vegan fried "chicken" and it was perfect. Our culture is really messed up.

    Pennie: thanks so much. I am going to keep up with this blog and thanks for putting it on facebook because I want a lot of followers.
