Be Kind to Animals, Go Vegan!

Be Kind to Animals, Go Vegan!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

what vegan food does for you.

Food with meat in it is really bad for you. Meat and dairy both are things that cause cancer and world hunger. If we stopped eating meat, meat industries would stop producing meat. Which all the grain and food that goes to the cows and all the animals we could eat instead which would be a whole lot more than a few cheeseburgers. This is why going vegan can stop so many problems.
I drew this picture to show what it would be like if animals were eating humans. And there would be human burgers. We wouldn't like that too much would we. We should be loving and kind to cows because they are only loving and kind to us.


  1. Fortunately, cows are herbivores

  2. thomas, you did a great job! i LOVE your drawing! and the name of the blog is awesome! great job expressing your point of view. very proud of you!!

    <3 wendy

  3. "Great Blog! Keep it up, Thomas! Perhaps the following pieces you do could expound on each of the points you touched on in this blog. It's such a large, all encompassing issue, so I think detailed explanations of each point could be quite helpful to your readers in understanding your position. Just a suggestion:) ♥ ~ LAURA"

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Warwak: thanks a lot it's funny! :)

    Wendy: I will keep on drawing! :)

    Laura: Thanks for the advice! :)
